Our fridge was old. Old, old old. It was a fridge that came with the house when we moved in. An apartment sized fridge that had had parts replaced to make it last longer, different doors put on etc. I'm sure she was a great fridge in her prime, but the poor ol' gal never stopped when we began using her. For months we noticed how it never shut off, and even had condensation forming on the inside. Since really replacing the fridge falls under our landlord's responsibilities, we were hesitant to do anything drastic. We made hints about how she wasn't sounding good. Nothing. More subtle hints about how we thought it was breaking. Nothing. Then we out right said that it wasn't working properly, and our landlords sent a technician in to look at her, who replaced something or other (which made no difference).
Not wanting to get in an argument over this with our landlords (since they are giving us a great deal on rent) we decided to look around and see about replacing her. We looked at fridges in Sears, and different small local stores, but really couldn't justify spending $500 or more on a new fridge at the moment. We decided to have a look on kijiji, and we found exactly what we were looking for.
For $100.00, we replaced our poor old small breaking down fridge, with a full sized 3 year old fridge that works like a charm. It was being sold due to the previous owner moving to a house that already had a fridge. Perfect! Not only do we get a ton more fridge space, hopefully it may cut down the power that our other fridge was using.
Well, the first power bill came the other day, and low and behold we saved $45.00! Just to make sure this wasn't just due to the time of year (less lights on), I checked it against last years power bill for the same months, and it was infact approx $40.00 cheaper!
The way this is going, the fridge will have paid for itself in about 2 more power bills! Hopefully this continues to be a money saving investment! Sometimes it pays to spend a little out replacing old things! :)
Welcome! This is a place where I will share my tips & tricks on saving money. Most of the topics discussed are how to save on every day bills. Nothing bothers me more than handing over my hard earned money to a huge corporation. I would much rather keep that money for me & my family! I'm sure many of you feel that same way. Here are some areas I found that I can do just that.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain
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