I'm not talking about a yard sale here. Well maybe I am, as those generate some income for unused items as well, but I'm talking about selling larger things on Kijiji or even Yard sale groups on popular networking sites (Face Book for instance).
I decided I would try to sell some items around my house that were in good shape, but just sitting around collecting dust. I found an old MP3 player that I had before I discovered the Ipod world, a bookcase, a TV stand, some jackets, some boots, a car cover that I've never taken out of the box, etc. I listed all of these items, and within one week they were all sold. Like I've mentioned before, I live in a small town, so there are less people close by to buy my stuff, but still everything sold. The least amount I sold an item for was $10 for a pair of boots.
Not only did I get to have some much valued closet space back, I made some extra cash too!
Now on the other hand, I have purchased some really good things here. When it came time to buy a new living room furniture set, we found a beautiful beige leather sofa & love seat on Kijiji for $350.00, without a scratch on it. Before we had found this, we had planned on purchasing a similar set new for $1200.00 (plus tax). For us, this was a savings of $850.00.
Also, my antique claw foot dining room table set cost us $200.00, and just needed a bit of paint on the legs. There are some amazing deals from people who just want to update their furniture, so sell what they have for VERY good prices. It's well worth checking out in your area if you are in the market for any large or even smaller house hold items.
I find online yard sale shopping can be very addictive, so I only allow myself to go online and look if there is a specific item that I need (I.E. Living room furniture). Otherwise, by buying items I do not need, just because of the great price defeats the savings.
Welcome! This is a place where I will share my tips & tricks on saving money. Most of the topics discussed are how to save on every day bills. Nothing bothers me more than handing over my hard earned money to a huge corporation. I would much rather keep that money for me & my family! I'm sure many of you feel that same way. Here are some areas I found that I can do just that.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain
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