I have a previous post on my experience with cell phones and contracts. I have previously switched to the prepaid, pay as you go plan. I had been putting $25.00 on at a time, and the balance was valid for 60 days. So for $12.50 per month I had a cell phone.
Yesterday, a friend of mine told me about how she added $100.00 to her pre-paid phone, and the amount is valid for 365 days. She uses hers about as much as I do, and said she had been using the same transaction since November and still has a decent balance left.
Today I decided to top up my account, since I had $35.00 sitting there that was about to expire the day after tomorrow. I added the $100.00, and now have a balance of $135.00 for one year. I also added the $5.00 a month plan for 250 text messages per month, as really that's main thing I do on the phone. I don't think I'll ever send more than 100 text messages a month let alone 250, so this covers me well. This is a feature I can add or take off at any time, so I'm going to try it out for now.
I'll let you know how this works out for me. I have a good feeling about this, since i rarely talk on the phone at all. I sit by a phone all day at work, and also have a home phone, so there really isn't any need. If this lasts, I would be having a cell phone for $8.33 per month! $12.50 per month is good, but $8.33 per month is much better! This will save me just over $50.00 per year.
Welcome! This is a place where I will share my tips & tricks on saving money. Most of the topics discussed are how to save on every day bills. Nothing bothers me more than handing over my hard earned money to a huge corporation. I would much rather keep that money for me & my family! I'm sure many of you feel that same way. Here are some areas I found that I can do just that.

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”- Mark Twain